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Best Extractor Vacuums for Cars

The Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe is a very good extractor vacuum, especially considering its very compact size. The compact size of the vacuum is actually one of its best features. Nobody wants to haul around a super heavy and awkward vacuum. This vacuum also comes with a self cleaning tool to help clean out the hose after use. It has a 15 foot power cord and a 48 ounce clean tank capacity.

This extractor vacuum is perfect for small messes in your car or even in your house. It is much more convenient to use because it is cordless so you don't have to search for an outlet or possibly drag out an extension cord. As the name suggests this does use a rotating PowerBrush to help with the removal of stains and keeps you from having to scrub the stain by hand. This vacuum has a run time of 20 minutes which should be plenty of time for smaller messes.

This spot cleaner comes in both a corded and cordless version and comes with a tight spot tool for tough to reach areas and crevices, as well as a 7 inch wide path tool for larger messes. Although this vacuum is small it but does have really good suction power. It also has a way to clean the system out easily after use so the hose doesn't start to stink. This vacuum has a 40 ounce clean tank capacity.

This extractor vacuum may not be as small as the Bissell Little Green, it still has a compact design and the benefit of being slightly larger are the larger clean and dirty water tanks. This allows you to go longer without having to refill or empty the tanks. This model has a 2.5 liter clean water tank (Approximately 84 ounces) and a 3.3 liter dirty water tank (Approximately 111 ounces). It also has a 6 foot hose length, and a 20 foot cord length.

This is a very unique extractor vacuum or spot cleaner. It can be used the same way most spot cleaners are with a hose and attachment. But it also has a trick up its sleeve. It has bristles on the bottom that allow you to set it on top of a stain and select from quick clean or deep clean and it will automatically spray, scrub and suction up the stain that is under the bristles.

This spot cleaner has powerful suction, and large clean and dirty water tanks for its size. It has a 60 ounce clean water tank and a 54 ounce dirty water tank. It also has an auto retractable power cord that will automatically rewind with the press of a button. The power cord is 16.4 feet long and the hose is 5.2 feet long. It also has wheels to allow it to be pulled around while you are cleaning.

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